Irish Independent Review

2018 Selection

Designed by James Pryor at Irish Independent

Creative Direction: Colin Wilson

Categories: Printed Publication / Print / Editorial

Industry: Commercial

Tags: Typography / Publishing

In 2018, the Irish Independent went through a redesign to make the newspaper a design-led platform that would compete with similar forward thinking journalistic publications. Our role was to create a clean, considered, sophisticated and modern foundation whilst pushing for more visual conceptualism. Including a bespoke typeface 'Nuacht' (meaning News), we provided the Independent with a complete set of refreshed templates and brand guidelines to make sure the newspaper stays relevant going forward. Alongside this submission, I have continued to consult and design numerous editions of the 'Review' supplement including the new-look creatively focused front page.

Last month the Independent were thrilled to announce that the Review supplement had won two awards at the 2018 European News Design Awards following the redesign.

With the scale and number of news sources (primarily due to digital) existing today, it is difficult to have a news platform of choice. Therefore, more so than people think, design holds a lot of power in winning, and keeping, readers. There’s something memorable and important about considered News design which few papers focus on, so it is great that an Irish newspaper has taken that leap in front.