The Potential Impact of the Swedish Model


Designed by Joseph Teehan at Subliminal

Printer: Ciaran Smith — Plus Print

Categories: Printed Publication / Publication

Industry: Charitable

Full Title: Potential Impact of the Swedish Model on Rates of HIV/AIDS Among Sex Workers And Their Access to Healthcare

Sex work in Ireland is mostly thought of in a very negative way. This vibrant five colour print was designed to undo that in the minds of the reader and place doubt on whether the Swedish Model is actually the correct approach. The Swedish flag is off-balance (representing doubt), while an overlapping cross (representing HIV and Health) creates a star-like shape to create the "Potential Impact" of the introduction of the model. There is no green used on the cover. It has a very foreign feel.

The interior is printed solely using emerald green and black. This is to aid the reader in thinking about the Irish citizens being affected by the introduction of the model, while also keeping cost down.